Wednesday 20 June 2012

Love? Broken?


LOVE is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, impossible to live without.

Don't search too hard for love. Just forget about it momentarily, it will show up in the most unexpected.

If you miss someone, that means you're lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.

When I pretended I didn't care, I actually did so much, more than I thought I ever would.

If you never get your heart broken, you'll never learn to love.

Somewhere between our laughs, Long talks stupid little fights and inside jokes...I fell in love.

"Forgiveness" means letting go of a hurtful situation and moving on with your own happiness.

The bravest thing I ever did, was walk away from you. And that is the one thing I can tell you I will never regret.

I'm done. But I'm not giving up hope. Maybe one day we'll be together but clearly this is not our time.

If you love somebody, set them free, if they return, they were always yours, if they don't, they never were.

One of the best feelings in the world is when you know that you actually mean something to someone.

Smiles can hide so much; fear, pain, sadness, tears. But than again they reflect one thing: strength.

If someone sticks by your side through your worst times, they're the ones who deserve to be with you through your best times.

You can miss someone who died, you can miss someone who moved away, but the worst is when you miss someone you see everyday.

I miss the way you hold my hand. I miss the way you looked into my eyes. I miss the way you felt for me.

all quotes is taken from @damnitstrue.
Picture taken from &

Thank You!

 Thank you!

Thank you for the sweet memories..

Thank you for the tea..

Thank you for the ride..

Thank you for the sweet attention..

Thank you for always remind me..

Thank you for being my movie partner..

Thank you for the dinner..

Thank you for the chocolate..

Thank you for the pudding..

Thank you for the jokes u made..

Thank you for the greetings..

Thank you for open my heart..

Thank you for changed my mind..

Thank you for taught me how to share the life..

Thank you for cherish my life for the 7 weeks..

Thank you for make me smile..

Thank you for sharing your life..

Now, it’s time for me to say goodbye..
Tonight is the last time we chat, and i smile when i ended it..
 All i want is just saying goodbye..
Take care, see u when i see u.. Adios!

Thank you.. Arigato.. Gansahamida.. Danke.. Xie Xie.. Merci..

note: gambar diambil dari

Sunday 21 February 2010

It's Mixed Up!

Today i've a family gathering with my big fam from my mom side..
the theme is to celebrate chinese new year..
and the unique thing is there is moslem-indonesian people who celebrate it too..
Yes, they are my family, one of my-grandma-brother is married with indonesian-moslem people so their children and grandchild is indonesian-moslem too..
and once a year we are held a fam gathering in chinese new year theme, sometimes also when someone are back from mekkah (naik haji)...
they are came and celebrate it like us -who is chinese-
i'm proud of my family!
there are multicultural family but we understand each other.
We are one family, so indonesian, moslem, chinese, catholic, christian is just mixed up, and in this gathering we left all of the differentiate..
we blend it as a family, and when someone asked for lunch pray, it's ok to pray in moslem, christian, or catholic style..
they usually bring some food, and shared with others..
and in this gathering all of aspect are being talked..
from gossip to business..
from the other family to recipe..
and the children are very happy in this fam gathering cause they received angpao and need to queue to get it..
aah.. love my family so much.. ^^

Tuesday 16 February 2010

It's touched my heart

This is my first blog in 2010..
Ternyata udah lama juga ya ga nulis blog, terlalu sibuk bekerja nampaknya *sigh
Di Tahun baru ini i've got job offering from one of local bank in Indonesia.
Pas mau interview user dilema banget antara take it or leave it.
Tapi akhirnya gw jalanin tahap int user 2 x itu dan akhirnya gw disuru medical check up and sign contract.
Sekarang, smua itu udah gw lalui, tinggal resign dari kantor lama aja..
it's not as easy as i think..
saat ngomong dengan hrd semua berjalan lancar..
Tinggal ngomong ma si boss..
Pertamanya gw kirim letter of resign by email berhubung boss cuti..
dan kemudiaaann
datanglah email yg menyentuh hati ituuu..
boss gw yang galaak n kerjaannya ngomel2 itu,
bisa2 nya ngomong ky gini:
masalah ini kita bicarakan lebih mendetail saat saya masuk, honestly saya berharap kamu untuk tetap stay dan bekerja disini. tolong dipertimbangkan.
dan sejak saat ini belum ada omelan lagi dr dia!!
begitu baca tu email gw langsung bengong, gw kaget bgt boss bakal ngomong kaya gt...
jadi makin berat meninggalkan kantor ini..

Hari ini,
1 Hari sebelum boss masuk, gw bilang ke spv gw n salah satu tmn kantor bahwa gw mau resign,
kt tmn kantor gw.
dan jawaban dr tmn kantor gw tu bikin gw tertegun dan menjadi lbh berat lg untuk resign.
mgkn jawaban itu ga bs gw publish disini.

Tapi life must go on...
gw udah ttd kontrak di perusahaan baru.
Tapi biar bagaimanapun gw ga bakal ngelupain smua yg udah gw pelajarin di perusahaan ini..
terlalu banyak great experience yg gw dpt disini,
dan sebenernya si boss ga jelek2 amet kok, dia masih baik, memperhatikan karyawannya, n menurunkan banyak ilmunya ke gw.. tapi ya asal jangan marah-marah aja..

Sepertinya gw akan menikmati minggu2 terakhir gw di perusahaan ini, berusaha membuatnya menjadi pengalaman berharga buat gw..
dan di bussiness trip terakhir ini, si boss mau nemenin gw ke suplier.
perjalanan terakhir gw ke supplier di perusahaan ini..

Mungkin si boss atau tmn kantor ada yg baca blog ini,
buat si boss dan tmn kantor terima kasih banyaak atas smuanya yg udah gw dapetin disini.. Gw belajar banyak bgt di perusahaan ini. :)

Terima kasih atas omelan2 yang gw dapet..
terima kasih atas pelajaran2 yg gw dapet
terima kasih atas tips n trik yang bos kasih..
terima kasih atas waktu lunch yang begitu menyenangkan..
terima kasih atas share makanan saat kerja..
terima kasih atas email2 instruksi kerja yang begitu banyaknya..
terima kasih atas perjalanan2 dinas ke supplier
terima kasih atas laporan2 yang cukup banyak
terima kasih atas training singkat di meja bos..
terima kasih atas teguran-teguran baik via email maupun langsung..
terima kasih atas pembelaan di depan yang lainnya..
terima kasih atas perhatian yang diberikan..
terima kasih atas hadiah-hadiah supplier yang dibagikan..
terima kasih atas barang-barang yang dibagikan setiap akhir bulan..
terima kasih atas dinner yang begitu menyenangkan saat perpisahan pak teddy.
terima kasih atas semua canda dan tawa itu..

Semua itu terasa begitu menyenangkan dan menjadi sebuah memori yang indah yang tak terlupakan.
Semua ini akan terus saya ingat dan menjadikan saya untuk terus maju di perusahaan baru..

Jakarta, 16 febuari 2010
with feelin blue inside my heart,

Wednesday 30 December 2009

The opposite

i have two opposite mood today..
i'm just thinking that i am a moody person..
the first half of the day, my mood ruined to be bad because of a bad news and someone egoistic..
it really ruined my day and make me want to fold and put that person into a box and key it, then throw the key..
so that person can not show up again in front of me..

in the late afternoon,
my eyes just opened for other unlucky life, so i have to be thankful for my life, and not just having a bad mood all day cause of that person..
it looks that God shown this to me..
There are another person who are having unlucky life and their still thankful to the God..
I'm so shame..
I feel too egoist, just thinking about my self all day..
and after that, my heart is full of peaceful..
it is make me cool down, smile, and thankful
this condition is 180 degree deference in the morning..

i'm just learn another lesson of life today..
those lesson always realize me about who i am, in this world..


*prepare to sleep with a lot of thinking in my mind..

Sunday 27 December 2009

Sunday that is not looks like sunday..

yeah, this sunday is not looks like sunday..
i've to be mom's assistance from 6.30 am to 8.00 pm
Sooo tired! phiuh..
but, now i'm happy!! because a new maid is come tomorrow..
it's mean no other romusha day.. ^^
It's really tired today, because I have to prepare some ingredients of spring rolls, ketoprak, maling, also a few of beef teriyaki..
beside that, i've to prepare dad's juice and wash some plate..
the most difficult ingredients is when i have to pounded peanut until it's become soft..
OMG, it is take most of my energy..
i feels like 'upik abu' today.. :(
But, it just ended tomorrow..

Today, i have talk on the phone with my best friend..
it really good hear his voice and we have a good conversation..
but i feel guilty, i think he dissapointed to me because of i didn't meet him when he just 50 m out from my house.. I am not meet him, because i'm not at home that time..
sorry ndre, next time u were in galaxi i will meet u.. ^^

Tomorrow, i'll gonna meet my friends and we are hang out all day out..
it'll be so happy..
can't wait..


*feels tired and want to go to my lovely bed soon..*

Friday 25 December 2009

Forgiving Christmas!!

today is christmas day!!
merry xmas everyone!! ^^
i think i have a slow xmas this year, but i enjoy it..
it's start in christmas eve with going to church with my friends and her sister..
we are doing this ritual since 4 years ago?
and after all..
today, i have a great christmas lunch at samudra restaurant..

but, for me it's just the ceremony..
inside it, i am learning something at christmas day..
i'm learning how to forgive..
forgiveness is easy to talk but hard to do..
and i'm just forgive someone today..
it's make my heart peaceful, like a heavy load is take away from my heart..

hmm.. I just realize there is no photo at my blog..
i think i have to grab my digicam and take some shoot..
so all of u know what i am talking about..


*feels tired after being mom's assistance in the kitchen*